Emhe shares her experience with Star StabilAir and Star Sentinel
The Star seat cushion range offers pressure redistribution seating solutions. This year, a new innovative item has been added to the range: Star Sentinel (an air management device for vertical air cell seat cushions). Emhe is happy to share her experience about the Star seating solutions she uses.
Emhe has rheumatism and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 1982. She has had pressure ulcers in the past, which fortunately healed with adequate wound care. Emhe has a positive outlook on life and thinks in a solution-oriented way. She lives with her old and loyal service dog Lobke in her own care home unit. Her next-door neighbours and good friends, support Emhe with some of her activities of daily living. Emhe has a big circle of friends and likes to go out.
Previously, Emhe used different types of seat cushions in her wheelchair, ranging from foam to gel and other vertical air cell seat cushions. She has never been able to sit comfortably without pain. For example, her previous air cell seat cushions leaked, lacked stability and did not maintain the correct pressure leading to discomfort and frequent repositioning. Since using Star StabilAir and Star Sentinel, she has noticed the following:
“ I notice that I am less tired and I have less pain now. Not only less pain in my buttocks, but also less pain in my back and in my shoulders, because I sit better. I sit more stable and therefore I no longer have to reposition myself all the time ”
Due to her history with pressure ulcers, it is important to Emhe that the pressure is constant and that she can rely on it. Emhe values her independence but recognises that she occasionally needs the support of caregivers. Therefore it is important to her that carers do not need to frequently check or readjust her seat cushion. The additional benefit that she experiences is that it saves her caregivers a lot of time. Star Sentinel continuously monitors the air pressure in the seat cushion, thereby pressure ulcers are prevented and thus relieving the workload of caretakers.
“I would definitely recommend StabilAir and Sentinel, I like the stability of the cushion and the convenience Sentinel offers. Less care is required and there is always a shortage in healthcare. Without Sentinel to keep a cushion properly pressurized, it takes quite a lot of time.”
Emhe uses the Star Sentinel for around 2 to 3 days before needing to recharge it. The yellow light that flashes slowly makes it easy for her to see when the battery is running low. The fully black design of the device gives it a sleek, stylish look although Emhe noted that the USB-C charging port on the side can be a bit tricky to locate at times due to poor contrast recognition. Emhe however placed a white sticker beside the charging port to aid with the low contrast. When we asked her about the daily routine with Star Sentinel and Star StabilAir, she indicated the following:
“Yes, I tend to charge Sentinel every other day. I charged it last night, so not today but I will charge it tomorrow”
To maintain optimal pressure, Star Sentinel occasionally pumps or releases air, which can produce some noise. Although Emhe noted this initially, she quickly adjusted to it.
“At first, the sound of the pumping was bothersome, and I initially thought it might not work for me. However, I believe it's important to give things a chance before forming an opinion. After a few days, I quickly got used to it, and now the noise doesn’t bother me at all, I don't even notice it anymore!”
She doesn't use the app frequently, every now and then she checks if the air pressure level is okay and sees an indication of the battery level. Everything is setup from the start, such as user language, volume and air pressure, therefore she doesn't have to worry about this and she uses the app purely informatively.
“I like the app. I can use it, so then almost anyone can use it, because I'm not good at that kind of thing.”
In summary, she states:
“I think it's a stable cushion that's comfortable and I would recommend it to anyone. Sentinel saves a lot of time and effort for healthcare. It provides convenience because Sentinel keeps my cushion at the correct pressure. For users who find it annoying that you have to feel under the buttocks with your hand to set up the correct air pressure in the cushion, it is a godsend. Once adjusted, the cushion will remain at the correct pressure. All in all, highly recommended!”