Using the Meerkat to create a learning environment
The Meerkat is a simple upright standing frame with adjustable support for feet, knees, pelvis and chest.
Oliver is a seven-year-old boy with cerebral palsy.
One of Oliver’s short time goals before the case study was “to be able to initiate steps forward using a walker”. After the study period, he could consistently initiate steps forward in a walker and take continuous steps in a forward direction over 10+ metres.
In the picture Oliver is using the Meerkat in anterior position with a tray positioned at the top of the centre column. The tray makes it possible for Oliver to engage in various activities, such as reaching to the tablet on the tray. The picture illustrates how Oliver uses the Meerkat as a simple stander, in addition to the Dynamic Standing Programme.
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R82 Meerkat
The Meerkat is a simple upright standing frame with adjustable support for feet, knees, pelvis and chest.
Please note
A case story is used to show an individual product solution and the experiences related to its use.
The configuration and use of the product, including its accessories is determined based on the preferences of the user, their healthcare professionals, the environment, constraints and local market-specific preferences. The case story is only a supplement to the product's manual/assembly instructions and does not in any way replace these instructions. Products, sizes, configurations, accessories shown might not be available on all markets. Please contact your local sales organization for updated information on availability in your country.