Ensure correct service and maintenance
All lifts from Molift come with the integrated Molift Service Tool, a software that records the usage and service history of the lift and gives a warning indication when service is required. The software allows a certified technician to connect and interact with the lift, for instance, to see and print the service history and perform service and technical troubleshooting. Service documents like periodic inspections and service checklists are stored directly in the software to be easily available for the technician.

Analyse lift usage
With the Molift Service Tool, the user can see when the lift was produced and how many lifts have been performed during its lifetime. The software displays the number of lifts performed according to a unique weight class definition and uses this to calculate the number of standard lifts. By not calculating all lifts as identical, the service interval of the lift is prolonged, which increases the service efficiency and lowers the product’s lifetime maintenance cost.

Set key parameters
Through the Molift Service Tool, the key parameters can be set for each unique lift, for instance, adjusting the Safe Working Load (SWL). This enables setting the SWL of a specific ceiling lift to match the rail system, sling bar or sling it is combined with, ensuring safety by not risking that the lowest SWL of the overall lifting system is exceeded.