Shape up in Prio 3A

Etac Prio 3A has the ultimate possibilities for supporting different body shapes with individual and changing needs.
Choosing the most suitable back cushion for the individual need is the best place to start. Then the back height and lumbar angle can be fine-tuned, and the soft foam accessories can be selected and placed under the back cushion to create the shape and support needed.
The standard 3A back support can be adjusted in height from 46 cm to 62 cm. And with the Back extension, you can get as high as 68 cm.

Tall upper body

Short upper body

Large upper body

Broad hips

Broad shoulders

Posterior Pelvic Tilt

Leaning posture
It is important to identify the reason for the leaning posture. Is the pelvis involved and is this the origin of the leaning posture? Or is it caused by lateral flexion of the spine? Can the user correct their leaning posture or is it fixed? Does the user always lean to the same side or does it depend on the activity or time of day? The goal should be to increase sitting tolerance and to help create a comfortable and stable posture while supporting the leaning posture.


There are many possible reasons for asymmetry. To offer the best solutions it is crucial to establish the cause and the seating goals should be to reduce the asymmetry by supporting the individual in as neutral posture that is achievable for the individual. The goal is to offer postural support that prevents further deterioration in the spine and that allows optimum function for the trunk, arms and head and to ensure that internal organs are not compromised for breathing and digestion.