Molift Smart 150 hoist from Etac allows international travel for Phillip with Duchenne
Phillip Carrol, with his mother Janet, continue to campaign for Duchenne charities across the world thanks to the advanced portability of the award-winning Molift Smart 150 hoist.
Keen rock music fan Phillip, from Cobham in Surrey, was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) aged nine. He is a determined and positive individual which is reflected in his academic studies and charity work. Phillip’s life limiting condition is a genetic disorder characterised by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness. This means Phillip requires a powered wheelchair to remain mobile and assistive equipment for everyday tasks.
In terms of transfers he continues to greatly benefit from ownership of a Molift Smart 150 hoist which is a market- leading portable solution from the Etac Group. As his family travel on a regular basis in connection with Duchenne conferences, Janet is able to seamlessly hoist Phillip in a multitude of situations. From bed, toilet and chair Janet can eliminate the risk of injury for both of them through the proven performance and reliability of the Smart 150.
Trusted design
The award-winning Molift Smart 150 hoist from Etac is one of the sturdiest, yet lightweight, portable lifting solutions available today. It has been intelligently designed to provide exceptional transportability and manoeuvrability in a variety of scenarios – providing safe hoist transfers for users with limited mobility. Intuitive controls, a small footprint and simplistic folding mechanism means carers can deploy the hoist with minimal effort whilst providing a stable and smooth experience for users. It provides an impressive range of 27–168cm for floor level access and the standard four-point sling bar ensures comfort within an accompanying sling is maximised. Since launch, the Molift Smart 150 has become a popular choice for Occupational Therapists and families who seek a flexible and compact device that has the strength to hoist up to 150kg.

Phillip with his Molift Smart 150 hoist
The Molift Smart 150 is used for powerchair-to-toilet transfer.s
Freedom to work and study
With the assistance of his Molift hoist, Phillip enjoys a diverse lifestyle. In terms of education he has been able to complete his GCSE's at Treloar School and College for Disabled Young People followed by a BTEC in Applied Science and Tourism at Brooklands College. As Phillip has a Motability funded accessible vehicle, he is able to drive independently from his powerchair. This freedom, along with the Molift hoist, has provided the opportunity to work as an intern at a Research and Development facility. As Phillip currently lives at his parents house, that is classified ˜of historic interest, the Molift Smart 150 is also used for transfers within his DFG-funded accessible bedroom and adjoining bathroom. This has negated the need for a ceiling track hoist which would not have been in keeping with the oak beams within the property. However it is the portable nature of the product which is the most essential in the eyes of the family.
Travel enabling
Janet, a busy Barrister specialising in disability cases, regards the Molift Smart 150 as absolutely indispensable: “We simply could not travel the way we do without our Molift hoist. We travel all around the world and ever since we had to hire a terrible hoist in Washington DC, we would never be without our Smart 150.”
“I discovered it online and following recommendation from our OT and subsequent local authority funding, we were able to collect our brand new hoist from a north London distributor. Etac and its Molift branded products are highly regarded amongst healthcare professionals and I can see why. You’ve only just got to look at it...it is stylish and streamlined yet you know it will not break. In the four year's we have used our hoist nothing has gone wrong and I am reassured it has the power to lift Phillip comfortably.
Janet continues: “When we used our Molift Smart 150 for the first time, it made a huge difference to us. Phillip loves music particularly heavy metal and rock so we took the hoist to the Download Festival at Donnington Park. It improved the whole experience so much when we camped on site and continues to do so when we visit hotels. Packing it away is easy and using it even easier, simple controls and attaching the sling is quick, I did not require extensive training to use safely. One thing I would say, as I say to all families we meet, make sure you order the robust rigid travel case with it. This is an absolute must and ensures the hoist is never damaged when we travel by car or plane. When we are flying abroad we always try and use British Airways as they crate Phillip’s powerchair to reduce the risk of damage and there is no baggage charge for both this and our hoist. Plus, when you turn up with a big black travel case you look like a rock band!”

Easy to transport
Phillip and his family regard their Molift Smart 150 hoist as indispensable for global travel. Shown right with Travel Suitcase.
Global campaigning
In addition to leisure time and family visits, Phillip and Janet travel globally to support a variety of charity events such as Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy and Duchenne UK. They are proactive advocates of both organisations and focus on raising funds and awareness through networking. Janet regularly speaks at conferences on topics such as Duchenne, drug re-purposing and autoimmune inflammatory diseases. As Phillip continues to assist with medical trials the family are able to offer first-hand experiences and opinions during workshop sessions. Their Molift hoist has made this possible, enhanced by guidance from the Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People, TryB4uFly service. This programme, delivered from the charity’s headquarters which are located opposite the family’s home, has provided Phillip with a specialist travel sling and all the information required to successfully fly with a disability. Following their advice, Janet always carries the hoist’s batteries in her hand luggage so inspection at check-in is easy.
Future-proofed living
In conclusion, both Phillip and Janet continue to regard their Molift Smart 150 hoist as a “life changing solution”. Without it the family would simply not be able to contribute to advancement of Duchenne understanding or simply enjoy spending time with relatives, friends and colleagues. The ability to achieve safe transfers whilst away from home means Phillip is now planning to study Forensic Science at The University of West London which boasts a new state-of-the-art accessible Brentford campus. Through the support of a Personal Assistance peer and the Molift Smart 150, he will be able to reside in Ealing and benefit from greater inclusion during his studies.

Related products
Molift Smart 150 is designed to be easily wheeled and transported to where it is required. It is designed for home care, travelling and easy storage. Molift Smart is foldable in one piece without using any tools.
Please note
A case story is used to show an individual product solution and the experiences related to its use.
The configuration and use of the product, including its accessories is determined based on the preferences of the user, their healthcare professionals, the environment, constraints and local market-specific preferences. The case story is only a supplement to the product's manual/assembly instructions and does not in any way replace these instructions. Products, sizes, configurations, accessories shown might not be available on all markets. Please contact your local sales organization for updated information on availability in your country.