Read what a Crocodile and Frame football have in common
R82 helps more children enjoy Frame Football with donated Crocodile Walking aids
Frame Football
"This is my first experience with a R82 Crocodile, it is the best frame I've ever used"
Frame Football is a new activity in the UK set up by amateur football coach, Richard Seedhouse based in Coventry. Ordinarily, many Frame Football players use crutches to assist their mobility but utilise a wheeled walking frame to support them when they play. With more teams now forming across the UK, R82 are gifting eight Crocodile Walkers to young players in the coming months.
The aim of these donations is to encourage more children to get involved and raise the profile of this inclusive sport. Available in three sizes, the Crocodile Walking Aid from R82 helps with balance and rhythm. The Crocodile can be placed behind the child to allow freedom of movement with adjustable handles, individually adapted to a position conveniently close to the child’s body – providing maximum support and stability.
Jon Preater, R82 Managing Director was delighted to handover the first Crocodile Walking Aid to Fin Jones, age 9, during his Saturday morning training session. Fin, who plays in Whitchurch, Bristol, began playing Frame Football in September last year and has progressed well in a short time. Fin received a size 2 walker and said: “This is my first experience with a Crocodile Walker, it is the best frame I’ve ever used. I particularly like the seat as I can have a rest at half time. Usually, I play in goal but I have now tried playing in the outfield - awesome!” Bristol Club Coach, Nick Dewfall, adds: “Frame Football is about helping children with limited mobility enjoy the beautiful game. It has allowed Fin to play football with his brother for the first time and socially interact with other children living with disabilities. For all the children, opportunities like this can help to remove feelings of isolation. The R82 Crocodile Walker is a great piece of kit that is perfect for Fin – he is more confident at football after even a short space of time. He moves very quickly and the walker runs very smoothly. The slightly longer frame provides a steady base which allows extra stability and Fin has mastered manoeuvring it very well.” Fin’s enthusiasm for Frame Football was evident at the official handover.
Jon Preater hopes that providing other children with suitable walkers will advance participation in the sport. He is keen to encourage families around the country to become involved and to ensure that children with disabilities do not miss out on the opportunity. Jon concludes: “The sheer joy on the faces of kids playing Frame Football is fantastic. We really wanted to do something to support and encourage participation in this new sport. By gifting eight Crocodile Walkers we hope to bring Frame Football the publicity it needs. Richard Seedhouse deserves great credit for bringing the fun of football to kids with limited mobility.”
10 year old Frame Footballer Luke discovers new skills with R82 Crocodile Walker
Luke Campey, aged 10, from Leicestershire who has Cerebral Palsy, became the fourth happy recipient of a gifted R82 Crocodile Walking Aid recently whilst playing Frame Football.
Luke, who lives in Melton Mowbray with parents Emma and Andy, began playing Frame Football after spotting details on a Facebook page created by Richard Seedhouse. He has been a member at his club “Hucknall Rolls Royce” for just over a year and looks forward to his weekend training sessions. Diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at the age of three, Luke requires assistance with mobility due to weakness in his legs and feet. Unable to walk unaided, he relies on the use of a frame, wheelchair or sticks. Luke’s mother, Emma, comments: “Luke sees a physiotherapist every three months and a specialist in Leicester twice a year. He has had Botox three times and is currently having his gait analysed as Luke has muscle loss to the outside of his feet which means they bend inwards. This is causing the splints Luke wears to rub and is affecting his walking pattern. We are currently looking into the Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) operation which would reduce muscle tightness and stiffness, and help Luke to feel more comfortable.
In the meantime, Luke has a key helper at school who performs physio with him twice a day and he participates at Frame Football. This really helps his fitness levels which in turn improves Luke’s self-esteem and motivation.” Luke was presented with the new Crocodile Walking Frame by Nicky Hogg, Etac R82’s Marketing Manager, at his Frame Football club training session. Available in three sizes, Luke has the larger frame which will cater for further growth spurts during his teenage years. As the walker can be placed behind him, Luke is able to move freely with optimal support and stability. Emma comments: “Unfortunately, Luke had become too tall for his previous NHS walker, by about six months, and despite the fact that he is always happy and optimistic about everything, we could see that he was finding it hard to use. He was therefore thrilled to be presented with the new Crocodile at the club session. We are so grateful to everyone who made this possible. Instantly it became apparent that Luke found it so much easier to move around.” In fact, Luke proclaimed that the new Crocodile walker “looked really cool” and was eager to show his friends at the specialist unit he attends at Sherard Primary School in Melton Mowbray. For Emma, the biggest bonus by far is the Crocodile’s fitted seat as she explains:
“The seat makes a huge difference! If Luke tires after ten minutes of walking, he can sit down for five and then we can continue. It means we can go out for longer and further, leaving Luke’s wheelchair at home. As Luke is currently finding it difficult to ride his trike because of problems with his hips, he now has an alternative way to stay mobile. He can accompany me on short dog walks and uses his new walker easily at Mencap which he attends twice a month, to meet friends and take part in day trips and park visits.” Luke summarises: “I’m really pleased with my new Crocodile walker. It looks great and it’s the right size for me which means it’s brilliant for Frame Football. I love attending my club sessions and chatting to all my friends. I enjoy playing in defence mostly and I’ve noticed I can move much more quickly and easily now I have the new Crocodile”.
Top Scoring Frame Footballer, Toby
Toby Hawkridge, 11, who has Cerebral Palsy became the excited recipient of an R82 Crocodile Walking Frame, gifted to him recently by R82 whilst playing Frame Football at Basildon Soccability.
Toby, a passionate Tottenham Hotspur fan, began participating in Frame Football at Basildon Soccability nine months ago. Although he can walk unaided, he uses crutches to help him on a daily basis and is reliant on a frame to run, go backwards and for longer distances. Toby, from Hemel Hempstead, was born with Spastic Diplegia CP, which led to him walking on tiptoes in a scissoring pattern and requiring the use of a wheelchair. In 2011, having raised an incredible £64,000 in six months through fund raising, Toby’s parents, Kelly and Terry, were able to take him to America, for a life changing operation.
Kelly comments: “We were finding it very difficult to access appropriate treatment in the UK and made the decision to fundraise so that Toby could have what is seen as routine surgery in America. A similar operation in the UK would mean removing three pieces of Toby’s spine but at St Louis Children’s Hospital in Missouri, they specialise in this operation and only remove one piece of spine. They also operated on his hamstrings to relieve tightness. Toby’s doctor, Dr Parks, was amazing and the rehabilitation process was a lot shorter in the US than it would have been in the UK”. Toby’s parents noticed positive changes almost immediately post-surgery. Kelly explains: “Very quickly, Toby stopped waking in pain at night. This was a huge deal for all of us, as prior to the operation my husband and I needed to help him stretch to reduce nightly pain. We are extremely grateful to everyone that helped and supported us. Before surgery, Toby could not walk up and down stairs, brush his teeth unaided or get in and out of a bath – but now he can. We still go to rehabilitation to help Toby through growth spurts but he can walk unaided and can take part in activities that he could not have coped with before. His personality has changed too. He is now very positive and eager to try new things. In fact, Toby has just come back from a PGL holiday where he took part in abseiling, canoeing and used the zipwire.”
Toby, who will be starting at Adey Field Secondary School, in September, loves the X-Box and spending time with his family. He also enjoys catching up with the UK children he met in America undergoing similar treatment to himself. The families meet twice a year and have been on holiday together. Kelly says this network of friends has been important for all of them. Having similar experiences in the past, they continue to share news about rehabilitation, treatment and equipment. In fact, many of the children have joined the same Frame Football Club as Toby so that they see each other on a weekly basis.
Toby was presented with his new Crocodile Walker by R82 Product Advisor, Bernie Cantona. She comments: “R82 UK is delighted to support the Frame Football Association, a non- profit group who work for the benefit of the player and their family. It was a pleasure to meet Toby and his family and handover the Crocodile to Toby. The walker comes in three sizes and we have provided Toby with the larger size, which hopefully will see him through to his teenage years. As the walker can be placed behind the body, it allows freedom of movement whilst providing maximum support and stability. It is ideal for Frame Football. We hope the publicity R82 raises will encourage other families to find out about their local Frame Football clubs.” Toby summarises: “I was really surprised to receive my Crocodile Walker. I didn’t know anything about it! My Dad knew but kept it a complete surprise from my Mum and me. The old walker I had was wobbly and too small and I was getting frustrated using it as it was so old! Having the Crocodile will make a massive difference and my parents and I are very grateful to R82. I still get tired walking long distances but as the Crocodile has a seat I can now join in with things like dog walks and take a break when needed. Best of all, as top scorer at Frame Football, I can now go even faster – it’s like being given a brand new Ferrari!”
10-year-old Disabled Derby County fan, Reid, enjoys Frame Football
Reid Radburn, aged 10 from Nottinghamshire who has Cerebral Palsy, became the third delighted youngster to be gifted with an R82 Crocodile Walking Aid recently whilst playing Frame Football.
Reid, lives in Stapleford, Nottingham, with parents Jaime and Daniel and older brother Evan, 11. A massive Derby County fan like his Great-Grandfather, Reid has played football since the age of three but recently left his local “able bodied” club after struggling with his pace. He began playing Frame Football at the Coventry club nearly two years ago and has since moved to a newly established one, Hucknall Rolls Royce, on home turf in Nottingham. Reid’s Cerebral Palsy affects his mobility due to weakness in his legs. Having undergone an operation to lengthen his hamstrings at Derby Royal Hospital, Reid is able to walk using sticks on a daily basis with a walker for activities requiring more physical exertion. Reid’s father, Daniel, comments: “At some point in the future, Reid may need to have further operations. It is really important that we help and encourage him to stay as fit and mobile as possible. Ultimately this gives him so much independence. We have daily exercises and Reid goes out on his trike which is great for building muscles and strengthening his legs. Of course he loves being on the Xbox and reading as well but Frame Football has been an amazing opportunity for him to meet children with similar experiences and play footie at the same time.” Shawn Clarke, R82’s National Sales Manager, presented the Crocodile Walking Frame to Reid at his weekend club training session. Available in three sizes, Reid has the larger size frame which will cater for his teenage years. The walker can be placed behind him which allows him to move freely with optimal support and stability. Daniel comments: “We were absolutely delighted to receive the new walking frame from R82. Reid has been using a Crocodile for the past five years. It’s sturdy and agile and the seat is a brilliant idea. It encourages Reid to walk further which helps build up his legs. Reid can only go so far using his sticks and we don’t want to resort to a wheelchair. The Crocodile really has become part of the family and we feel extremely lucky to have access to a second one.”
Reid starts at his new secondary school, George Spencer Academy, Stapleford, next year and is looking forward to having one walker permanently kept at school and one at home. Reid summarises: “The Crocodile is the best frame by far! As it has a seat, I don’t have to take a wheelchair anywhere. I can walk and then take a break if I need to. I want to say a big thank you to R82. Having this new Crocodile means I can have a walker at all of my Frame Football sessions which is amazing. It’s brilliant for Frame Footie. I like playing keeper but the Crocodile means I can move really fast so I’m great at scoring lots of goals as well!”
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R82 Crocodile
The Crocodile is a walking aid for children and youngsters with disabilities, who need supplementary assistance with their daily walking.
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