Benefits of HoverMatt Air Transfer System at Danish Hospital
By using the HoverMatt Air Transfer System, the two operating room departments at a major Danish hospital have been able to increase patient safety and comfort, free up time required for patient transfers, and reduce work-related injuries.
The case
In 2021, Etac was contacted by the work environment consultant at a major Danish hospital in the Region of Southern Denmark regarding challenges with lateral patient transfers from operating room tables back to hospital beds. In several cases, the patients were unable to help in the lateral transfer, for instance, due to spinal anaesthesia. This meant several staff members, sometimes four or five, were required to support the transfer to the hospital bed. These transfer procedures are associated with several issues and potential risks, for instance:
- Pain, friction, and skin shear for the patient
- Attrition of employee’s musculoskeletal system
- Occupational injuries
The hospital ward had, until this point, used aids such as slide sheets and sliding boards, which had had some supportive effect, but was now looking into improving and optimising the transfer process.
What did Etac do
Etac started by identifying which specific situations and patients were most in need of an optimised process. The outcome was to focus on cesarean-section patients. Etac recommended utilising a Single-Patient Use (SPU) Air Transfer System, which makes transfers, positioning, and proning easier for healthcare professionals while protecting patient safety.
After successfully using the solution for cesarean section patients, the ward decided to expand the usage to involve other patients. Today, the solutions are also used for bariatric patients, hemiparesis patients, alloplastic patients, and particular vascular surgery patients.
The outcome
The utilisation of the HoverMatt SPU Air Transfer System has reduced the number of staff members needed for the transfer from the operating table to the bed, which has resulted in more optimised usage of staff resources.
In addition to saving valuable time for the staff, the ward has also seen how the solution has contributed to reducing work-related injuries and increasing patient comfort and safety.
The HoverMatt Air Transfer System significantly reduces the force required for patient transfers
Using Air Transfer Systems, a cushion of air beneath the inflated HoverMatt reduces the force required to move a patient by 80-90%, enabling caregivers to safely transfer patients without lifting or straining.
By reducing injuries related to lateral transfers and repositioning, the HoverMatt helps to improve staff retention while meeting legislative guidelines for safe patient handling.
Product efficacy: Initial sustained force comparison patient handling lateral transfer techniques
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Related images in this case story do not depict the hospital described.