Promoting inclusion and empowerment
In relation to celebrating our 50th anniversary this year, we will make a series of donations. This initiative connects to our commitment since 1973 - to improve people's quality of life. We believe that the best way to commemorate that, is by recognising those who work to do the same.
We will therefore make five contributions of SEK 50 000 - marking 50 years - to organisations around the world who work to promote inclusion and empower people in their communities. We will announce the recipients continuously, so stay tuned for more information throughout the year!

The Rollettes Experience, USA
Stärker kvinnor med funktionsnedsättningar genom gemenskap och dans
Vår första donation går till The Rollettes Experience i Los Angeles, ett evenemang som handlar om att stärka kvinnor. Under fem dagar kan kvinnor från hela världen sammanstråla och delta i roliga aktiviteter. Syftet med evenemanget är att uppmuntra deltagarna att leva livet full ut.
Citat från tidigare deltagare - "Jag önskar att jag hade haft detta när jag växte upp" och "Jag är inte ensam. Jag har människor precis som jag som jag kan relatera till", visar hur meningsfullt evenemanget kan vara. Vi är glada att kunna bidra till en sådan inspirerande gemenskap och hoppas att årets deltagare kommer att ha en fantastisk upplevelse!

Frame Football, Netherlands
Connecting children with reduced mobility through sports
We are happy to direct our second donation to football-loving kids by sponsoring the 2023 Dutch national frame football tournament. The event is held in Amsterdam and participating children can engage in several fun football activities with their peers during the day.
Playing sports with your friends should be something everyone can enjoy, and frame football is a great way of creating a level playing field for children who use walkers or crutches. We hope our sponsorship contributes to a fun day and wish all the participants a great event!

Age UK H&W, United Kingdom
Promoting health and independence for people in later life
The recipient of our third donation is Age UK in Herefordshire and Worcestershire (Age UK H&W), an organisation committed to improving older people’s wellbeing. They provide a variety of services to help older persons maintain independence and remain for longer in their homes, as well as social and physical activities aimed at reducing loneliness and staying active.
We are happy to see our third donation go to such an important cause, and trust that Age UK H&W will make the most of our contribution to help more people enjoy later life!

Donation 5
Keep up with our celebration during the year
We will announce our donations as well as share fun facts, milestones, and stories from people around the world throughout the entire year.
Make sure to follow us on social media to stay updated!