
Immedia SlingOn

A transfer aid for application of lifting sling and positioning

The SlingOn is primarily designed to easily apply a hoist sling in bed without needing logrolling or moving the user. SlingOn consists of two separate ultra-low friction nylon slide sheets held together by snap buttons in the corners, and it has handles along the sides. SlingOn is an ideal aid for users who need frequent hoisting, heavy users, or those who should not be log rolled to apply a sling. In addition, it can be used for all positioning in bed.

SlingOn is placed under the user using a simple folding technique, whether for applying a sling or positioning. The hoist sling is then inserted between the two layers of SlingOn.

The ultra-low friction facilitates sliding the sling underneath the user and adjustment if necessary. When the hoist sling is in place, remove the top part of SlingOn.

Note: The user is always lifted in the sling, never in SlingOn. Always remove the top part of SlingOn before hoisting.


Immedia SlingOn

Facilitates care

The Immedia SlingOn is used for turning, positioning and application of a hoist sling without rolling.
Immedia SlingOn

Minimise friction

The Immedia SlingOn can be used to move higher up in bed and minimise friction under pressure points.


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