Easier meal times with R82 Scallop
Read how the Scallop helped Jonah getting a better posture during meals and quiet time
Visiting Jonah
Scallop took a trip Down Under to Australia to visit Jonah. Jonah's father, Tim, tells us about their experience using the Scallop.
"Jonah is very active and is always running around with his favourite toy, his iPad. Keeping him still and in a good position can be very challanging, however, he is a sensory seeker and loves feeling secure. When we tested out the Scallop, we used it in the two places he loves, which was our toy room and also on the kitchen stool where he eats all his meals.
When Jonah plays in the toy room he is often on the lounger or sitting on the floor in a 'w' seating position which is not good for his hamstrings, hips or knees. Due to his low tone and hypermobility, he usually has poor posture and trying to correct this is challenging as he is constantly moving around.
As soon as we placed Jonah in the Scallop he seemed very content and comfortable. He never wanted to get out of it and was even a little upset when we uncliped his belt. He sat in it well and liked the feeling of the sides of the shell wrapped around him as it made him feel secure and snug.
"The portability of the Scallop is great, it enables us to bring it along to help Jonah sit well. It is a fantastic help when eating meals around the table and helping him to feel secure."
Rebbecca & Tim, Jonah's parents
"We all loved the Scallop!"
Rebbecca & Tim, Jonah's parents
"He never wanted to get out of it"
Rebbecca & Tim, Jonah's parents
When Jonah sits on his stool for meals, he is always on his knees or moving around constantly. It is often difficult to keep him still and distractions often get him up off the stool. Once we placed him in the Scallop, he immediately dropped his legs down and sat contently with great posture whilst playing on his iPad. During meal times this is a perfect solution as he is able to sit happily and not run off during his meal times.
It was also a great opportunity for his sister Samantha, 8, to sit with him and play with the iPad as well. I can see a lot of versatility for the Scallop for Jonah and also Samantha. It can be used all around the house whilst playing and also helps during meal times. Often this is difficult as Jonah is jumping and running around and Samantha finds it hard to spend quality time with him."
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R82 Scallop
The Scallop is designed to aid in floor sitting and to add extra support whilst sitting on a chair.
Please note
A case story is used to show an individual product solution and the experiences related to its use.
The configuration and use of the product, including its accessories is determined based on the preferences of the user, their healthcare professionals, the environment, constraints and local market-specific preferences. The case story is only a supplement to the product's manual/assembly instructions and does not in any way replace these instructions. Products, sizes, configurations, accessories shown might not be available on all markets. Please contact your local sales organization for updated information on availability in your country.