Etac collaborates with suppliers and partners around the world to develop, produce and distribute our products and works for sustainability throughout the full supply chain through a supplier code of conduct and structured monitoring.

Supplier code of conduct
Etac’s supplier code of conduct is applicable to all suppliers, their subcontractors and other business partners that provide products or services to (do business with) the Group. Our supplier code of conduct is based on international standards and covers areas such as human rights, labour rights, health and safety, environment and anti-corruption.

Etac monitors the operations of the suppliers to assess and ensure their compliance with our code of conduct. Our monitoring programme consists of on-site inspections (or audits) and periodic self-evaluations by suppliers of their premises and those of their subcontractors. The supplier shall submit at any time to announced as well as unannounced audits. The supplier is required to provide physical access to any auditor from Etac or other auditor assigned by Etac. This obligation entails unhindered access to all facilities, records, and where provided by suppliers, housing, as well as employees for confidential interviews. The frequency and intensity of supplier audits will depend on, and shall be appropriate to, the scale and impact of their operations.