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Etac's 5th anniversary donation

Supporting IOE’s Family Camp, a recreational weekend for families of children with special needs

29 November 2023

Our 5th and final anniversary donation is all about fun, family and community! The recipient is Interchange Outer East (IOE) in Australia and their Family Camp, a weekend where children with disabilities and their family members can enjoy outdoor activities in a supportive and accepting environment.

Family Camp is at the heart of IOE’s organisation who has been dedicated to the wellbeing of families since 40 years. For many of the participants it is the highlight of the year and a much appreciated opportunity for a whole weekend of fun together. It provides a truly inclusive setting that is free of judgement and where everyone is able to be themselves.

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Family Camp has changed our lives. Being part of this wonderful community has given both my son and I such joy. It is exactly what a supportive community should be; encouraging, inclusive, inspiring, respectful and fun!

- Laura, IOE parent

Since the program started, Family Camp has provided a safe space for hundreds of families to build their support networks, connect with their community and make memories together.

Etac’s contribution will go toward those who are unable to afford attending without sacrificing other essential supports and services, and thanks to the donation 22 families will be able to participate in Family Camp 2024.

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According to IOE, "the impact that this opportunity will make on these families is significant. Many of these families would never imagine that they could enjoy a relaxing weekend away together in a warm, welcoming and supportive environment with friends, old and new.”

We are delighted to contribute to this inspiring organisation who has built a culture around children with special needs and their loved ones! IOE truly embodies our own commitment to promote participation and create possibilities, and this donation is the perfect finale to our 50-year celebration. We wish all the attending families a wonderful experience and look forward to seeing more from Family Camp in 2024!

More about IOE's Family Camp

About Etac's donations
In connection to our 50th anniversary, we have made donations amounting to SEK 250 000 this year. This is the last in a series of five, and the contributions have been earmarked for organisations who work to encourage participation, inclusion, and engagement in their communities. 


Learn more about our anniversary and other donations