Seat depth reduction kits
for R82 Flamingo seats
For the Flamingo seats sizes 2, 3 and 4 there is an option of replacing the standard PU seat inlay with one with wider sides.
This reduces the seat width, and we now complement this option with kits of seat depth reduction plates for the back. Each kit consists of three plates of blue Plastazote enabling a seat depth reduction of either 12, 24, 32 or 44 mm.
The plates are simply stacked up in the desired combination depending on which distance the seat depth should be reduced by.
R82 Flamingo
The Flamingo is a toilet/bathing chair available in 4 sizes and suitable for children and youngsters.
R82 Flamingo High-low
Flamingo High-low is a modern and comfortable toilet/bathing chair that fits into every bathroom.