Etac Group divests Etac Bil AS to Auto Solutions Group ApS
Etac AB announces the divestment of Etac Bil AS to Auto Solutions Group ApS (ASG) effective 18.12.2023.
Etac Bil AS (Etac Bil) is one of Norway’s largest companies within vehicle adaptation, with a history dating back to 1986. Etac Bil is represented by 12 locations and currently has over 100 employees. The company adapts cars for people with disabilities and also offers other types of vehicle adaptations for companies and public municipalities. Etac Bil is an importer and dealer of vehicle equipment from the German quality brand bott.
Adaptation of cars for people with disabilities is a niche market and consists of a few players in Europe. Society is developing rapidly, and so also within mobility and vehicles. The need to be able to offer solutions also for electric cars is increasing.
“We deliver technically advanced solutions that require special expertise. We are therefore happy to have become part of a larger group within our field. This forms a good basis for us to develop even better solutions and create opportunities for even more”, says Annbjørn Vasdal, CEO at Etac Bil.
The buyer ASG (Auto Solutions Group) is Denmark’s largest company within adaptation and sales of cars and minibuses for people with disabilities. Like Etac Bil, the group has companies with a long history that goes all the way back to 1979.
“We believe that if you want to succeed in this industry going forward, you must be large and able to have synergies. We are the largest in Denmark with almost 45 years of experience in our field. We are humbled and happy that we are now bringing Etac Bil AS, as one of the largest in Norway with almost 40 years of experience, into our family. It strengthens us as a group”, says Kenneth Peter Jensen, CEO of Auto Solutions Group.
“The sale of Etac Bil is a natural step in focusing on our core business, and we consider ASG to be the right long-term owner of Etac Bil. The transaction will benefit both employees, customers and suppliers. ASG will be able to continue to develop the company and ensure even better solutions for those who need car adaptations in the future”, says Michael Wirzberger, CEO of Etac AB.
Etac Bil AS will be run as an independent company within ASG and the change of ownership will not entail changes in organization or product areas. The biggest change in the short term will be a new name.
“We will continue to develop the company within the same “DNA” with the history and the strategies we have put in place before the change of ownership”, ends Vasdal.
About Etac Group
Etac Group is a world-leading developer of innovative assistive devices and patient handling equipment used in home care, long-term care and acute care. Etac Group had a turnover of EUR 400 million in 2022 and has approximately 1,500 employees.
About Auto Solutions Group (ASG)
The ASG group was established in Denmark in 2019 as a market-leading and innovative group, with the vision of being able to deliver safe and functional products of high quality, both locally, nationally and internationally. ASG benefits from the talent pool, industrial know-how and solid market insight that exists across all units in the house. The group owns, among other things, the recognized companies Langhøj, Handimobil, Autoa and AutoProducts.
For further information please contact:
Michael Wirzberger, CEO, Etac AB
michael.wirzberger@etac.com / (+46) 8 633 47 54
Kenneth Peter Jensen, CEO ASG Group ApS
kej@autosolutions.dk / (+45) 28 94 48 45
Annbjørn Vasdal, CEO Etac Bil
annbjorn.vasdal@etac.com / (+47) 920 87533